Dec 25, 2008 00:08
hello~ (it's kinda weird though, because we don't don't know who're we saying hi to~)
lately ruka's been crazed about mola and runa's been listening to white xmas all the time, for us they're like everyday needs. hahaha. and also we're kinda into tv shows lately mostly arashi.. himitsu no arashi was really amusing, i mean the child minder thingy was the most adorable clips ever.. and the g no arashi the ones where they helped a new half to confess was also the sweetest..
but now days ruka has been dreaming about watching NEWS winter party diamond... (she's been drooling to the fanreports, biting her nails, wishing she could be there... gaaaaahhhh!! why oh why can she be there??) ooh pi please sing MOLA and GINZA too~
ruka needs to see both!! geez.... *cries*
and ruka has been back to her hometown, she's having her studies in different city with no internet connection available all the time was quite pissing her off, that's why whenever she's back to her house with full time internet was like heaven.. she could download jin's clips as much a s she wants~
well maybe that's enough for the first time~
just felt like weird the journal it's empty so we made this post^^
bye kon2! jya ne~