
Sep 06, 2009 18:59

I haven't written in a looong while even though all I've posted is "I want to be a Beta!" and "Poem #1" and "Let's tell you about my day", so this isn't interesting unless you really know me.

First off:



I forgot to make my friend a card and buy her a gift so I gave her a card about male strippers. It amused me more than it did her...well...her birthday was in July... *cough* No comment...

But, it's my other friends birthday coming up...oh dear...I'm probably going to forget to get her something as well. This just goes to show I forget peoples birthdays and the first 50 digits of pi.

Guess what though! My birthday is coming up at the end of the month meaning, I get to go to school and sleep and eat cake! Nothing better than that.

Second off:

There is no second off, I'm just going to go and see why my dog is barking. Oh and feed another dog I'm pet sitting for. Not fun since it lives across town and doesn't like me holding his leash. He bites me so he can hold it while running in front of cars. Damn dog.

dogs, birthdays

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