Lightning Round this weekend!

Oct 24, 2013 08:36

Hi everyone! The third round of run-the-con is not quite over. There are one or two last minute delights that may be coming (and those can be posted any time) but I want to give a heads-up that I'll be running a lightning round again, like we did back in April. It will start shortly after noon on Friday (EST) and go through the end of the weekend. Anything that's posted by the time I make the masterlist on Monday will be included in the masterlist.

The lightning round is run a lot like a comment fic meme: I'll post a list of all the prompts given in this round of run-the-con and anybody who wants to write fic or make art for any of the prompts can do so any post the result (or a link to it) in the comments to the entry. You can take a look at the previous lightning round to see how it worked (and how much fun it was), but these are the basics:

☆ Write fic or create art for the prompts, and post it in the comments to this entry.
☆ Everybody is welcome, regardless of challenge participation, and nobody is obligated.
☆ No minimum or maximum wordcount or size, just make sure whatever you post is somewhere in the vicinity of schmoop.
☆ Multiple fills for the same prompt are very much allowed.
☆ As always, you're welcome to post your work to your own journal, other communities, AO3, etc. as well.

!mod post

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