Aug 02, 2013 11:59
First off, I'm having to post this from the LJ app so I'm pasting in some text from my post yesterday but please look at that post and the comm sticky post links if you need more information. I figure that it's better to make this post on time than to make it perfect. :)
This is the post to sign up for the pop-up ninja mini porn round. The rules are basically the same (see the rules post) except that instead of (or in addition to) schmoop your story must contain porn. It can be any White Collar (not RPF in this, much as I love it) pairing--slash, het or poly--or solo sex, but there should be some kind of explicit sex. The level of explicitness is, of course, entirely up to you. Stories DO NOT have to be schmoopy this time around.
The first tag will be on Monday, August 5th. There will be TEN spots for sign-ups, and the challenge should be over by August 18th. So, if you expect that you will be away from internet access on vacation or otherwise at any point during that time, then I'm sorry but this is not the round for you, though we will miss you. This time, there won't be any official "don't tag me this day" option, though of course you can always put the word around to your friends and hope for the best.
If you're ready, willing and able to play, please comment below. First come, first served.
ETA: We're set for this round.
sign-up post,
!mod post