Written for the
who_contest Title: Seek & Find
Rating: PG mild
Genre: Flirty with Innuendo
Word Count: 100
Pairings/Characters: Eleventh Doctor, Clara Oswald
Spoilers/Warnings: No real spoilers, unless you know nothing about the minisodes for the new DVD boxset. *****
In the new DVD box set there is a minisode apparently that includes Clara not being able to find her bedroom because the TARDIS I guess is playing a trick on her or something. Anyways, this vaguely refers to that. Oh and Matt Smith's eyes which I'm going with green, but uh yeah, seems they can appear different colors so to each their happily own. Hee. :)
Summary: Oh it's all in those alien eyes.
Disclaimer: I disclaim. Doctor Who belongs to BBC/Steven Moffat. I write for fun.
Theme: Green
Green are his eyes. This Gallifreyan alien shine. They pierce and hold me in as his hand latches onto mine. For once they don’t bounce or jiggle away with awkwardness. They grasp and cling. My brown are snared in the wicked capture. They volley up and down as the proximity grows nearer. Eyes are the window to the soul great philosophers say. Green is life and emotion. Jealousy and nature.
All here. All connected to the hands that commence to slide away my dress. As those alien eyes whisper with supreme confidence,
“Told you I’d find your missing room…