Aug 17, 2004 01:26
well i just got home and i wanted to say that i like driving home late at night when theres no one else on the streets. the neighborhoods look so quiet and the yards look well kept. its just really great, all of it.
tonight "the boys" went to see the double feature at the drive-in. it was totally awesome. we saw the bourne supremacy and collateral. tom cruise is a bad ass. action movies are bad ass.
we sat on a green blanket in front of the car. sometimes it was hard to hear because of trains and planes, but the weather was so nice, and we had the best spot since there werent very many people there.
but i itch right now and am very tired.
tomorrow i am taking a giant tub of jen's old clothes to atc in order for her to be able to buy books for this school year. i also dont work tomorrow, which is nice.
well, thank you and go usa!
goodnight. sweet dreams