i hate this bitch she stole my johnny depp / vanessa please merry me,not johnny

Jul 13, 2007 15:44

на ютьюб пишут ребята:
And i do get what Johnny sees in Vanessa, she is amazing. And who cares about her teeth, i mean, If she wants them to get fixed [wich she wont do] she can deside that herself. But i like her teeth :)
kate moss with bad teeth...maybe johnnys got it still bad for kate who is a ship wreck right now
he loves her, that's all, he doesn't care about her teeth, if they're beautiful or awful. that's all
i hate dis bitch she stole my johnny depp ='(
vanessa please merry me,not johnny=P

а мне, сколько себя помню, просто эта песня нравится. очень. дело не в зубах и не в Джонни.

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