Apr 28, 2007 02:11
i've probably never been closer to feeling like actual shit. i am so low right now. uggh. i haven't been here in a long time... maybe never; it's not a normal low feeling. i can't even begin to describe the horrible feeling with which i was left by today's meeting and the conversation i just had about it all. i don't think i have ever been more in sympathy with people who become so frustrated that they just give up and kill themselves.
i'm not trying to be dramatic when i make this next observation... in fact, if i never hear the words drama, dramatic, dramatization again in my life, i think i'll be better off... but i honestly think that just for a minute when i hung up the phone a few moments ago, i may have felt worse than i did when i heard that unbroken oxygen hiss that night.
never thought i'd end up jealous of juana, but i wish someone would say i was crazy -true or not- and lock me away in a tower for the rest of my life.