Fred Wentz has a Cocker Spaniel named Charley...or Chunky...or something.
This first week was pretty fantastic over at the vet clinic. I had reasonably paced training the first three days and had a little hands on stuff to work with, and on my first day the good doctor gave me a tour of the new facilities that are located across the street. The new clinic is scheduled to open in 4-5 weeks and it already looks amazing! It is huge--about 4 to 5 times the size of our current facilities--and is totally wired. There will be LCDs, electronic white boards and LAN ports all over the place. The current clinic has a network setup, but this place will be insane! There is also a boarding facility for dogs and cats that will be wired with web cams so our clients can go online and check on their pets 24 hours a day!
The people I work with are great--every last one of them--and it is amazing the number of animals that have come in this week.
There have been tons of Ferrets!
SO it has been fantastic with certain exceptions involving Friday.
Carrie, the other girl who was supposed to work with me yesterday, called in sick while Anita was out of town--and thus couldn't come in to help relieve the pressure--leaving me to basically hold down the front with little help. Kristina was up front with me for the most part, but as she is a Vet Tech and also pretty new to the clinic we both pretty much only had one paddle to work with. I love a challenge but that doesn't mean I don't get stressed out when things get a little too crazy.
All of this would have ultimately been manageable however, without the major hell-spawn freak out episode on the part of the good doctor. Voila, you have yourself a relatively disenchanting day!
I am not sure who he was on the phone with--from what I could decipher from his screaming, it was a bank related issue regarding the new building--but he was so pissed off that his wife came running up to the front office from the back of the clinic. I seriously don't understand how someone can get that angry in a professional environment, and I think he was pretty fortunate that we didn't have any clients in the lobby. How awkward and disrespectful.
Some of my co-workers assured me that they have never seen him do something like that, which was a little reassuring (and I say a little because new trends are started everyday) but it still took Kristina and I a good half an hour to calm down, regain our productivity and get talking again.
I am also kind of wary of the guy now too. He must be pretty stressed out about the new clinic and what have you but getting that angry in front of other people isn't going to accomplish much. In fact it may do just the opposite.
In the end he did apologize to us in a relatively passing manner but I wonder if this is going to be addressed more formally later.
sigh. We will see.
I really really love this get up at six in the morning excited to go to work-love this job. I hope this kind of thing doesn't happen again soon because I am not sure if I will have had enough experience to easily slide into another vet clinic, and I doubt there is another one in Eugene that is this fun to work in otherwise. In the meantime I have a three day-break from the place and start all fresh on Tuesday.