Jun 10, 2009 15:26
Bored as fuck & I wanna get ill, SO I surf over to flickr & check out that neat geo-tagging thing they got. 411x Moody/area code 35004 tagged-pics. Cool. SO I start looking through some then I find this lady who has put her whole life online. Whatever - so I'm being all voyeur about that & seeing some scenic Moody shots & people I don't know (yet oddly enough remember seeing at Wal-Mart last Sat.) when I slowly discover this lady has literally 100ish pictures of her own face & NOT *1* SMILE in any of them. Her (I guess her 3x kids?) in the pictures do not smile AT ALL either. It is fucking weird.
I mean I don't smile alot, I'm certainly the least photogenic mug & I am also intensely distrustful of people who smile constantly. BUT c'mon! You gotta smile sometimes when the camera is around.
The moral of the story is: you upload personal stuff: some random stranger somewhere is gonna call you out on it.