Jan 23, 2007 11:32

*do yoga everyday
*wear sunscreen everyday
*eat real live meals everyday, and dont stress out about eating
*save some money
*no fake tanning
*figure out some new styles out of my already clothes..instead of buying more (i get bored easily)
*keep my "future goals" in mind, and make some effort to follow through
*read more books
*read more in general
*write mean couplets to political figures who piss me off
*go out more. not as in spending money i dont have more...but just go out, and be social
*have some fun
*dont let The Man bring me down

I was going to try to clean my room and shit more, and stop complaining so much (Dont Stress the Small Stuff)...but you know..i'm just trying to get in, i'm not running for Jesus

I drove about 50 miles just this morning. to and from job interviews. across town back and forth. mapquest is now my most visited website. the entire ways were spent listening to sports talk radio. its the only thing that calms me. i'm bored with my cds, and the every2minute ads on radio piss me off. at least on 1080 am jim rome does all the ads, so i still get to hear his sweet angry voice in them. i think i want to take up golfing. i dont know how to do this however. maybe i should do some mini golf. i was always a fair mini-golfer.

i decided my cold was well enough that i could sit outside on our "porch" and smoke a cigarette and drink some coffee in the I Love You mug. Its not too cold out, and the Buddhist temple is really quite pretty when then sun hits it just write. the colors are exactly right. thos Buddhists know what they're doing.

the sun is shining, the birds are chirping...Buddha's done it again!!
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