So today i had this desire to listen to that new fergie song "fergilicious" or whatever, since it was stuck in my head, it's catchy...etc. so i go and turn on the radio to Z100, because i just KNEW if i turned it on i would hear that song. and so i turn it on, and they're playing Fergilicious. So have I completly melted my mind into the radio...or do they just need to mix up their playlist a little? Maybe a little of both? I tried wanting to listen to another song and turning it on, but I think it only works when the song pops into my head, and i THINK i want to hear it. in other thoughts have become advertisements. but whatever.
either way...that song is pretty much bullshit. is it just me or does the more someone sing about how hot they are just make them seem like they are reaaalllly overcompensating? i mean...Fergie isn't really that hot. honestly. whether or not i like her, i think i can admit whether a stupid pop singer is attractive or not. and she...not so much. I've read enough celebrity gossip to see pics of her non-made up and non-airbrushed, and it is not such a pretty sight. plus i've lived in Oregon long enough to know that doing meth more than about twice is going to leave you looking nastier each time you do it...which is pretty much permanent. especially if you're over the age of say....25. which i'm pretty certain miz fergie hit about 13 years ago or so.
which makes me not hate her more..but less. in almost a pittying, patronizing way. she tries so hard.'re d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s fergie. and all the boys wanna look at your "uhhh" and jack off to your photos and watch you shake it in the gym workin on yo fitness...but you're still not a slut or conceited. well even if we believe that, and despite the fact that singing about these things i'm sure is really really influencial and empowers women and musicians and breaks all kinds of stereotypes, and was really really worth leaving the BEP over, and despite the fact that its most definetly going to make you famous for years to come, and definetly not a one or two hit wonder in ANY way...even so..i can't help but think the "boys" that are mentioned in this song think of her as more of a trailer-parkish fucked up MILF.
soo that's hot i guess?
anyway here is my joke of the day: (besides that. because that wasn't a joke)
Bono is at a U2 concert in Glasgow when he asks the audience for some quiet. Then in the silence, he starts to slowly clap his hands. Holding the audience in total silence, he says softly and seriously into the microphone . . .
"Every time I clap my hands, a child in Africa dies . . ."
A voice from near the front pierces the silence: "Well, fucken' stop doin' it then!"