Jan 13, 2005 12:00
Yay!! I am currently stationed at Clarkson :-) and having tons of fun so far! I kinda came up as a surprise because I'm a dork like that and thought it would be funny. I showed up a little early for CUOC and just sat in the outdoor lodge playin on my new laptop waiting for people to arrive. I'm glad I got at least a couple of funny looks ;-). Unfortunately, maybe it was a bad idea... I seem to have brought a bit of bad luck with me. Within the first couple of hours of seeing Carne, I managed to cause him bodily harm.... If you would like to know the story, please ask Carn... it is not my story to tell ;-).
Well, I really hope people aren't too mad at me for showing up :-(... but it looks like I will be here till Monday... unless I really can't think of anything to do on Sunday. If you are here and can think of something to do... lemme know!
Also, I hope you all had wonderful holidays! Mine was fun! Josh and I scraped off wallpaper and painted our bathrooms for our moms (he def did most of the work). After Christmas I spent New Years day with Pammo and Jay and it was soooo much fun! Then I went back to NH with Pammo for her surgery. On my way back home on Friday, KT called me and asked if I was going to Eric Hams Camp... so I immediately changed directions and ended up at my Aunt Karen and Uncle Joels house in Syracuse, where both Eric and KT met me for dinner, and Eric and Heather and Corbin (there adorable baby) met us after so that we could drive up north. Sean from Clarkson met us there. Camp is gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. The only way I can describe it is that my mouth was hanging open when I walked in the door. I suppose I'll have to put up pictures sometime... I had so much fun! Snowmobiles are wicked fun to drive... riding is a little rougher ;-).
hehe... alright I suppose that is enough for one post ;-)
Hope you are having a great day :-)