Nov 22, 2004 12:10

I totally just aced my structures exam!!! I've been having so many issues with that class, and I actually pulled it off!!! I'm so excited. I still need a pretty good grade on the final but it no longer feels like a lost cause!!! :-D

Anyway... this weekend was lots of fun! I went to go see STOMP in Ottawa with Rachel and Josh, and met up with Kevin, Maggie, and even more hilariously: Panning and friends on the bus!! So much fun!!!! Four of us (Bridget and I vs Panning and Josh) played Euchre the whole ride there, and then 10 of us went out to dinner at Fat Tuesdays. The food was good and the company was awesome ;-). Apparently I was so into the show that it required a little making fun of by Panning who happened to be sitting two seats down from me. Our tickets were fenomonal... I couldn't believe it. Overall it was a fantastic night, getting back around 1:30am and then sleeping in until around 11 am. I then proceeded to spend about 5 hours at the climbing wall, and had so much fun playing add on with the guys. I miss climbing like that. Too much fun :-).

Great weekend :-)
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