For those of you who haven't seen this...

Nov 20, 2007 16:54

Original Sesame Street unfit for modern children

Would someone mind telling me who thought it would be a good idea to coddle children this much? When did adults lose sight of the fact that it is our responsibility to raise children who can deal with the world as it REALLY is. That includes failure, poverty, depression, anger, temptation, and a whole host of other "negative" things.

Poverty does exist, but that does not mean that poor children cannot also have moments of happiness or that the children of the rich should be sheltered from the fact that there are those out there living contentedly without the latest fad or fashion. That a cardboard box can be a great toy.

In this world there are Oscars. People who have nothing good to say about anyone or anything. People that will take any opportunity they can to rain on your parade. Kids need to be taught how to deal with these people and maybe even have some compassion for them.

There is nothing wrong with being a Cookie Monster once in a while.

There are times to be serious (Bert) and times to be silly (Ernie) and we need both in our lives.

It is ok to have imaginary friends (Snuffy) every three yr-old has them. The Urchin's imaginary friend was named Greg.

It is a good thing for community adults to care about kids. Not everyone who does is a pedophile.

Kids need fixed, stable, iconic figures. That is what fantasy is for, it is why your kid wants you to read the same story over and over again. It is their stability.

I could go on, but you get the idea dear reader. somewhere along the line the adults became cowards. They don't want to deal with the harsh realities of life so they try to "protect" their kids from them. So we have Elmo..the singing, dancing idiot that tells kids everything in the world is cheery. he doesn't teach the kids a damn thing about coping. Trust me, the Urchin liked Elmo for all of about 6 months, then moved on.

Parents and adults in general need to get a spine where their kids are concerned. Your kids will thank you for it down the line. Now, dear reader, I am off to find a copy of the fist two seasons of sesame Street. i fear that. much liek the original Bugs Bunny cartoons, these will be censored in a couple years.

I challenge any of you to find uncut WWII Era Bugs Bunny cartoons on DVD. or even more difficult, Find a copy of Walt Disney's Song of the South.

society, urchin

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