(no subject)

Aug 04, 2007 21:11

1. Leave me a comment saying anything random.
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.

Here are my questions from the insightful sister aroundtehcorner

1. The smurfs (pregrandpa smurf) only had 1 female among them and she wasn't even a real smurf - sick joke in childrens tv or a valuable lesson for a growing girl to get used to living in a mans world?
Wow, sometimes a smurf is just a smurf. But if it would have to be one or the other, I would like to give it the credit of being a metaphor. Details of this theory would be best over coffee or some other tasty beverage.
2. someone wants to make a movie about your life. Who do you want to portray you as a child/ young adult and full grown up?
I really don't know who would be good for me as a child. Maybe that little girl from No Reservations. As a young adult, again, not really sure. Me as an adult is would be best served as some new face. Probably the girl from the Princess Diaries.
3. Dream team of authors working on a compilation book - who are they and what are they putting together?
I would love to see Ray Bradbury, Stephen King, and Neil Gaiman work together on a serial of novellas about the "modern" family.
4. The Aliens have finally landed - little green men with no mouths. Do you stick around, run and hide or pick up a weapon and start killing?
I stick around, while making preparations for the eventuality of things going very wrong very quickly. (Innocently stockpiles weapons and ammo while whistling)
5. If you could have an extra feature that worked what would it be and why? (example - wings or gills)
Easy one sister, gotta have the wings. It would be fabulous to be able to soar on the wind, plus they could make a fabulous fashion statement.

questions, lemming

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