a writing meme!

Aug 19, 2012 23:26

taken from ceridweyn_lin!

I've got a list of 10 of my favorite pairings. All you need to do is give me a number (1-10) and something for them to do, like washing dishes or fighting crime, and I'll write a snippet/ficlet.

1. Ron/Hermione (Harry Potter)
2. Liam/Louis (One Direction)
3. John/Sherlock (Sherlock)
4. Tony/Bruce (Avengers)
5. Eleanor/Louis (One Direction)
6. Molly/Lestrade (Sherlock)
7. Clint/Natasha (Avengers)
8. Eduardo/Mark (The Social Network)
9. Quinn/Rachel (Glee)
10. Andrew/Emma (The Amazing Spider-Man)


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