The new companion looks/sounds interesting. Yeah I would have preferred not to see another stereotypically pretty girl in the role, but the character (what little we have been told about her) sounds interesting, the actress seems personable and I expect that, much like all the other companions we've had, I will like her.
I don't like Moffat's epic trolling with regards to how Amy and Rory leave. I am holding tight to the idea that if it were as simple as 'one of them dies for good this time' he would never have said anything about it. I may be delusional but have decided that my head-canon where they both leave together and happy and ride off into the sunset on unicorns and ponies is still possible right up until something airs that contradicts that :D I do enjoy the Angels, even though many appear to be 'over' them. I'd, frankly, rather explore them a bit more than see, say, more daleks or cybermen. So all in all, and ignoring the attempt at trolling me, I am reasonably pleased with what has been revealed.