I Did A Bad Bad Thing

Oct 17, 2005 02:28

okay not as bad as some would say or maybe it is i don't know. but if i had to put it in my own personal category then this would be bad.

i have a girlfriend, a very sweet loving and wonderful girlfriend. i adore her without question. so why ami looking and wanting other people? okay not just any OTHER person, but this person i met this weekend. PEOPLE!! shes amazing! shes beautiful and smart and oh so funny, all the things Subject K is and (dare i say it?)maybe more.

don't scream at me! i know i just posted about how much i love Subject K and that has definitely not changed not a single bit. and i am definitely not in love with this other person, maybe just a little bit smitten. i'm safe to say all of this in LJ land because she doesn't have LJ and has no idea that i do. i will never tell Subject K just what exactly went down this weekend thats for damn sure. i'll just make sure that i never see or talk to this other person ever again. out of sight out of mind right? sadly i haven't been able to stop thinking about her since that night, she creeps in at the oddest times. but for the most part i'm all about Subject K. randomly Subject B pops in just to annoy me and take the wind out of my sails, but i think of the other 2 ladies in my life and i move on.

okay so i said "ladies", i didnt mean it like that i dont think.i have one lady in my life. i refuse to be a bad person and string people along because i like to be liked/loved. i've been there and i never want to make someone else go there.

so tonight i go to bed to dream of Subject K and the fact that i won't get to see her for a week and a half because she and her family are going on a small trip together. apparently something they do every year around this time. *sigh* oh well, i'll just have to survive off of phone calls and emails to get me through.

i guess thats all i have to say, i know it was boring but it bugged the shit out of me so i had to get it out somehow. and i trust my LJ people you give great love!

and i'm out.

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