Feb 04, 2013 19:00
Haven't done this in a while. Here goes.
1. Don't ever buy anything lime flavored. Always yucky.
2. Most television commercials aired during the Super Bowl are as much an insult to one's intelligence as are the majority of "funny" greeting cards at the local drugstore.
3. Not enjoying the occasional bouts of brain-freeze. Like one morning when I was headed to the kitchen for.... something. Took me a good couple of minutes to remember what. Oh yeah, a new supplement I've been trying. I find the container and take pop a pill. Then two minutes later as I head out the door, I find myself trying to recall... did I remember to take one?
4. Mildest winter Seattle has had in a while. I like snow, but I'll take it.
5. No decade has ever been more blessed with musical talent than the 80s. Dozens if not hundreds of great stuff came out then. Since then, a rare occurrence.
random thoughts