Yes my journal is friends only ( a few months ago there was a situation which meant it had to be. . . and now even though it no longer has to be I've decided I quitel ike it this way) I will talk to pretty much anyone who deems to talk to me, so feel free. Buuuuuuuut. . . .
1. If you're going to add me make sure you comment.
2. You've got no chance if you're an annoying, squealing fangirl. You will only piss me off. I will end up wanting to throttle you, and that's no fun for either party.
3. You've also got no chance if you tYpE LiEk Dis all the time. A little bit of text language I can probably handle. Mixing up capitals and normal letters? Why? Just why?
4.If you want to add me please make sure we have something in common. Or make sure you know me from somewhere. There's no point in a random add just to boost your flist.
5. Please don't insult me/my friends/my interests. There's no reason to.
6. If you're going to add me, please comment, at least occassionally. Not only am I liable to forget you exist otherwise, but what's the point? Really?
That's all for now.