The Best Gift of All... - For the Alice in Wonderland Advent

Dec 16, 2010 11:07

Title: The Best Gift of All...
Fandom: Burton
Pairing: Alice/Tarrant
Rating: PG-13 for suggestion of sex

Summary: A sequel to "Watching You, Watching Me". Alice has been in Underland for a few months and after seeing the season in her old world in the mirror decides to introduce Tarrant to the idea of Christmas.

Disclaimer: I own nothing! Disney and Tim Burton have that pleasure. I just play in their sandbox.

“What in the world are you doing, Tarrant?”

Tarrant Hightopp turned away from the garland that he was hanging around the doorway and saw Chessur stretched out on top of his work table. He narrowed his eyes as the cat casually kneaded the fabric that was currently folded on the table but the cat ignored the glare and purred louder. “I’m decorating,” he replied, turning back to the task at hand.

Chessur tilted his head and eyed Tarrant’s progress as the Hatter carefully settled the garland across the top of the doorway and let it fall along the side. “What is the occasion?” he asked.

Stepping back to ensure that the garland looked just right, he didn’t answer immediately. After deciding that it looked just fine (though he had nothing with which to compare it to) he turned back to the cat. “Alice has explained that in her world it’s time for Christmas.” He was rewarded with puzzled look from Chessur. “She said it’s a holiday for family and friends to gather and exchange gifts.”

The cat floated up from his place on the table and moved to bat a paw at the garland that had just been hung. “How does this fit in?”

Tarrant attempted to swat the troublesome being away but Chessur simply evaporated, reappearing back on the table, this time directly on the folded material. Sighing, he moved to examine another almost completed hat on a stand nearby. “Red and green decorations are traditional,” he replied. “Though Alice did suggest that perhaps using only green might be more appropriate.”

Purring, Chessur stretched and then reclined on the material. “I see. So you’re putting up decorations for a holiday you’ve never had.” He chuckled. “It makes perfect nonsense.” The man nodded and smiled, then reached out and gently stroked the nearly-finished hat. Chessur watched the tenderness of the gesture and understood quickly. “That’s what you’re giving to Alice?” While his tone was questioning the cat knew that he was correct just by the look in Tarrant’s eyes.

“Yes,” Tarrant replied softly, lisping. “Do you think she’ll like it?”

Chessur started to reply with one of his usual quips and then fell silent as he saw the glow on Tarrant’s face. For all that he enjoyed antagonizing the Hatter he was also very aware of his friend’s moods. This wasn’t quite the time for sarcastic replies. Instead he floated over beside Tarrant and looked down at the hat.

It was a beautiful creation with a curved top and a wide brim. On the stand it sat at an angle and Chessur could indeed picture the lovely deep blue hat perched at that exact angle on Alice’s blonde head. He rested a paw on Tarrant’s shoulder and finally replied. “I think she’ll cherish it.” Tarrant nodded absently and reached for a length of cream colored fabric nearby, obviously forgetting that Chessur was in the room.

The cat sighed and (being the rather nosy creature that he was) decided to see what Alice was planning to give to Tarrant in celebration of her “Christmas”.

A moment later he appeared in Alice and Tarrant’s bedroom and saw Alice carefully tying a ribbon onto a small, colorfully wrapped box. She appeared to be as lost in thought as Tarrant had been and as the cat watched, her expression moved from one of concentration to one of happiness as she set the box gently on the bed. Before he could say anything a pained look came over her and he watched as she rushed into the next room, slamming the door behind her.

He was now extremely intrigued and decided that he would have to be a fly on the wall to see this particular exchange of gifts this evening. Grinning, he vanished.


The fireplace was lit, candles were glowing on tables and shelves around the room and Alice sat nervously on a soft rug in front of the fire. Tarrant paused in the doorway to their main room, holding the box containing her present. He took in the sight of her, lit by the fire, and was amazed once more that she had returned to him even after her experiences in her own world. His Alice had chosen him even when she though him just a figment of her imagination. That she was here was gift enough for him.

She must have sensed him standing there. Tarrant saw the corners of her lips curve upward and she spoke quietly. “Watching me again?” she asked, then turned her head to face him.

He couldn’t resist returning her smile. “Always,” he replied.

Alice laughed and beckoned him closer, patting rug next to her. Tarrant moved closer and sat beside her, unable to take his eyes away from her. Before he could say anything, she leaned forward, pressing a kiss to his lips. Immediately warmth flooded him and he felt his body relax into her touch. It was a long moment before she pulled away and he saw her eyes sparkling. “Feel better?” she asked.

“Much,” he said. While he was much more relaxed suddenly he only wanted to pull her into his lap and kiss her once again. Alice interrupted his thoughts with a touch on the back of his hand.

“I have something for you, Tarrant,” she said.

Startled, he looked around for the gift he had brought her and then realized it was still in his hands. He held it out to her, unsure of how to properly present it to her for this holiday. “This is for you,” Tarrant said, his lisp more pronounced in his nervousness.

Alice tilted her head and took the box, curious about the contents. It was wrapped in shinning fabric and tied with a bow that seemed to be made of every color of the rainbow and then some. He bit his lip as she carefully removed the wrapping and lifted the lid. The surprise and pleasure that lit up her face as she saw the hat inside made him smile.

“It’s so beautiful!” she exclaimed, lifting it out to admire it. She turned it to see every inch of her new hat and then set on her head, tilting it at an angle (the exact angle it had been at in his workshop!) and gave him a coy look. “Well?”

The sight of His Alice wearing a hat he had made just for her (and appearing to love it!) was almost too much for him. He fought back the immediate urge to pull her to him in a tight embrace and instead reached out to cup her cheek. “You look amazing, Alice.”

She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. “Thank you, love.” Finally she opened her eyes and pulled away slightly. “Now for your gift,” she said and handed him the small box that had been sitting next to her. Tarrant noticed that she suddenly looked a bit nervous again but she immediately covered it with a smile. “Go on,” she said.

Obligingly he unwrapped the gift, carefully setting the ribbon and paper to the side. He opened the small box and looked at the contents with a confused expression. After a moment he reached in and pulled out a tiny pair of knitted shoes. He looked at Alice, his brows furrowed. “They’re wonderful,” he said, “but I’m not sure they’ll fit.”

Alice put a hand to her mouth to stifle a giggle and before she could respond another voice cut in.

“They’re not meant for you.”

Both Alice and Tarrant looked around trying to locate the cat they now knew was lurking somewhere. Alice finally spotted him, peering at them from behind a pile of cushions on the sofa. Tarrant glared at the intruder. “What are ye talkin’ about?” he said, his irritation showing through in his change of accent.

“Think about it, Tarrant! I’m certainly not going to make it easy for you!” And with a wink to Alice, Chessur disappeared, feeling rather smug about the whole situation.

Alone once more, Tarrant stared at the tiny shoes and then caught Alice’s expression. Though she still looked nervous he noticed that her eyes seemed to glow with more than firelight. Suddenly the realization struck him and he gasped.

Smiling, Alice nodded, confirming his unspoken question. “You’re not the last one anymore,” she said, resting one hand on her stomach.

Tarrant dropped the shoes and gave into the impulse to pull her closer. Both her hat and his fell away as the pair embraced each other. “Alice, you’re sure?” he asked.

“Yes,” she replied. “Mirana’s rather skilled in medicine. She knew a way to check for certain.” Alice looked up at him. “We’re going to have a family.”

Tears welled up in Tarrant’s eyes and spilled over, unnoticed by either of them. He could only kiss her and marvel at the idea that he would soon be a father. That they would be parents! As he was thinking these things he was distracted by the feel of Alice’s hands tugging at the buttons on his vest, skillfully undoing them. He returned the gesture by reaching for the buttons on her dress.

It was some time later as they both lay spent in front of the fire, his hand resting on her stomach and wondering at the life that was now growing inside her that Tarrant decided he quite liked this Christmas holiday.

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