Challenge Seven: Reminder

Nov 07, 2012 07:54

You have 4.5 days left to submit your icon!

The following people still need to submit their icon for Challenge #5:

angelamaria, cb_janey (!!), consumedly, crucified, dance_the_dance , daydreamshole, deedo_2313 (!!), delorentoes, fiendie, g_shadowslayer , ionizable (!!), kayable, larmay, letterstonorah (!!), library-of-sex, margerydaw_s2, memonechan, n_e_star, naive_astronaut, oswin, sayuri_x, setentpet, sheekap

You have until Sunday, November 11 at 12:00pm/NOON (EST) to submit your icon!

Please note, if you have a (!!) by your name, you must enter the challenge or be disqualified.

!reminder, round two, r2c7

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