happy holidays, penises

Mar 14, 2007 12:55

Warren Ellis had a link posted to some guy idiot promoting something called "Steak and Blow Job Day." The theory being that women should be so grateful for the fun they had on Valentine's Day last month, that they should just love to provide both mom service (cooking steaks) and whore service (a holiday-mandatory blow job) today.

First off, it's slated for today 3/14. Duh: today is Pi Day, one of the most popular and mathematical holidays all year.

Second, if you have to designate a date on the calendar to get sex from your significant other, then you are a loser. Besides, if you were doing Valentine's Day right, you probably could have gotten dinner and sex that night, no?

Third, how about a "suck your own dick" day so you can learn to go fuck yourself?

Happy Pi Day.

P.S. While I'm on the rant (as opposed to on the rag): I pass a Hooters restaurant on my way to Pirate Dave's every weekend and for St. Patty's Day they're having a green bikini contest. I like to think that they are also celebrating Pi Day; that there are girls in hot pants with calculators reciting Pi while hoola hooping. Somewhere, a Math Club is eating wings and wishing this were so.


men are idiots, warren ellis, feminism

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