Here's a picture of the bed! It was my mom's sleigh bed, which I inherited. We just got it from dad's last night. Its pretty high off the ground, so we will definitely be using a step stool for a while. The stupid bed rail is a pain in the butt. I almost started crying trying to put it together - usually I am pretty good at that kind of stuff, but this one really got me. Sorry the picture is so yellow - not sure why my camera does that inside. Outside pictures seem to come out just fine...
And a close up, so you can see the pattern on the sheets!
Mary loves the new room so far. She calls it her Big Girl Room, and she has been playing in the room the entire time we have been working on it so far. I am thinking I might try to get her to put her hand prints on the wall somewhere...but that might be a project for another day.
So far, we have done the following:
Finished cleaning garage and got all of the extra stuff out of the room
painted room Glacier Pearl
Reassembled hardware
put up new curtains
Assembled bed and bed rail
made bed with new sheets!
Still to be done:
Put up curtain tie-backs
Take down tracking from closet
install curtain rod and curtains over closet
get wardrobe from Dads
Put toy chest in room
Install chalk board where toy chest was in Play Room
etc, etc, etc. the work never ends.
This photo is just for Beth. She gave us this "chore chart" just before she moved, thinking she would have no use for it. Just thought she'd like to know that someone is enjoying it. Mary especially likes the Teddy Bears and the Balloons.
Grandpa, who ride a motorcycle, gave Mary this one for her birthday. Unfortunately, for a good two weeks, she was terrified of it, and refused to even go near it. Somehow, Uncle Steve got her on the bike (just moments before this photo was taken). Once she realize how fun it was, not a day has passed that she hasn't begged to ride around the block with Daddy after work. It goes 1.8 miles and hour - not that is something!
Mary got this lawnmower from Mark's aunt for her birthday. She followed Mark while he mowed for a good hour last week.
She takes mowing very seriously.