me ~2 years old - i was born with brown hair, it all turned blonde when i was twoish.
me at the montisory school - mullet, koolaid mustash, and all!
this is another pictures from montisory. I had this weird idea that when i smiled like this it was my "chipmunk smile" and i thought it was so cute.... ugg.
me around kindergarden grade. so cute! i love this one.
this was probably around 2nd grade. this is me and my friend Sophie.
this was around fifth grade - i was a rock star for halloween.
this sometime in highschool - i think new years my junior or senior year.
there was a photo lapse for the middle school period - for good reason! yikes!
senior prom. Carol's mom made my dress - I helped!
wedding day - August 6, 2005
Easter 2006
9 months pregnant - HUGE
me with newborn Baby Mary
recent family photo - Las Vegas - June 16, 2007