
May 10, 2009 22:08

Ryan is 7 months now and I have noticed 2 big developmental leaps today! Firstly he was examining something on the carpet and looked to be trying to pick it up between thumb and forefinger, so I put him in his highchair with some raisins and within about 10 minutes he had mastered the pincer grip and was happily occupied for a while then eating them.

Then tonight we were having pasta bake for dinner. He finds pasta quite difficult as it's slippery and the type of pasta we have at the moment is too small to pick up, so I usually spear a few bits on a toddler fork for him and hand it over and he eats the pasta off like a lollipop. Then tonight when he had finished the mouthful, he handed the fork back to me to put some more pasta on it for him! This is really exciting as it's like the first time he's understood something I've done for him and cooperated with it :) - before he would get upset when I took the fork off him to get more pasta.

He's also saying "Da da di di di da da di di" and he does kisses which is basically latching onto your cheek/chin but is very cute and is ecstatic if you kiss him back :)

My camera is still broken though :(
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