
Dec 18, 2008 14:52

Oh dear, I have not updated for ages!

I think Ryan is having a bit of a growth spurt, he is sleeping lots and feeding lots too. Or he might be feeling a bit ill as he seems to have a bit of a cold. He is too young for the baby vicks type things though. He is sleeping in his bouncer at the moment because it's more upright than the bed or his cot.

I took him to the NCT Christmas party the other day and he decided to poo all over his Christmas outfit almost as soon as we arrived! So I didn't manage to get a picture of him in it, but I put him in the sling instead for the group shot as he was not wanting to be put down. All the groups and things seem to be tailing off for Christmas now so I think we will have a quiet few days, although it seems we are going to have to do all our Christmas shopping in one go on Sunday. We have left it too late to get things online, again! We are going to get Ryan something in the sales anyway as I don't think he will mind waiting! He's probably going to be spoiled by the rest of the family anyway.

I went to see Pete and Bev (quick summary: Pete is a friend of James' except they are not really talking at the moment, Bev is his girlfriend and she is 18 but acts younger.) and their new baby the other day. I was pleased to see that they seemed to be doing really well as I'd been a bit worried they would find it hard to cope. The health visitor came while I was there and she was a bit strange. She told me I should be massaging my breast as Ryan feeds to ensure he gets both the hind milk and the fore milk mixed in together. I have no idea what she was on about! She also kept going on about this weaning talk the NHS run which we should go to at about 4 months, because apparently weaning is difficult. I have no idea why.

Bev is bottlefeeding and I asked her how she felt about it since I know she wanted to breastfeed. She said she was okay about it because she couldn't do it, so at least she knows she tried. She managed to pump some colostrum and give it to the baby, I'm really proud of her :) but it does seem that the hospital were fairly quick to suggest formula because they were worried about the baby's weight, without being particularly supportive to help her get him latched on in the first place. He is tiny though and made Ryan seem huge!

Oh and we had our six week check up finally. I didn't realise we were supposed to register Ryan with the GP because the hospital gave us an envelope with the doctor's name on it but when I phoned up to enquire they said I should have delivered it within 24 hours of coming home! I think since the registry office had his details on their computer from the hospital, I expected the NHS to have notified them internally or something.
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