livejournal wrote in
lj_ru_beta: available at
Microsoft, and
* There's a new version of the Post an Entry page available for beta testing.
* As a reminder, beta testing is
available to everybody.
* While testing, you'll be able to switch back and forth between the new and old versions. Once this is released to production, it looks like there will be a period while the old update page will continue to be available.
* Lots of changes - refer to the entry for a list, and try out the page for yourself to see everything.
* They're inviting feedback in the comments. Go nuts.
* On an editorial note, this is exactly the kind of process that we should have seen before the default comment redesign, so it's great to see so much time being taken here to get the design right.
igrick wrote: Translations available at
Microsoft, and
* Another announcement about the beta test of the update page.
* It's hard to tell from the machine translation, but it looks like Ilya is admitting that the last beta test procedure didn't work.
* There's a fun timeline of the update page, from the beginning of LJ through to the present day.