(no subject)

Aug 19, 2014 23:57

♥ fondness♥ you've got potential
♥♥♥ now we're talking!
♥♥♥♥♥ I trust you.
x annoyancex a bit dull
xxx why even bother?
xxxxx just die!

Sanae Hanekoma; ♥♥♥♥♥ / x
All because of you, I believe in angels. Not the kind with wings, no, not the kind with halos, the kind that bring you home
Sanae's his best friend, his mentor, his family, the last reminder of his humanity, and the only person who Joshua can fully let his guard down around. There isn't really a word that can describe what Joshua feels towards him - well, okay, there is, but it's not one that he'll ever use ever, not even in the privacy of his own head. He's comfortable around Sanae in a way that he can't be with anyone else, without the constant pressure of being the Composer always at the back of his mind. And despite all the mocking, Joshua does genuinely respect the guy and takes his advice to heart. He trusts Sanae completely . . . to the point where he won't even ask about just how Sho managed to learn so much about Taboo Noise.   
Megumi Kitaniji; ♥♥♥♥
Dead man lying on the bottom of the grave, wondering when Savior comes, is he gonna be saved
Not exactly a face he was expecting to see in Mayfield, but Joshua's certainly not complaining about it. Megumi's intelligence, dedication, and power hasn't served him wrong yet, and he's glad to have someone he can count on in this town. And despite the man's tendency to be somewhat extremist, Joshua does value his insight and his loyalty. They won't ever be friends; Joshua's well aware that he'll always be the Composer first with Megumi. But he'll take trust over friendship any day.   
Schuldig; ♥♥♥
I love the girls who hate to love because they're just like me
Joshua finds Schuldig quite entertaining. They seem to share a similar mindset regarding humanity (although Joshua's far less sadistic than he lets on), and he enjoys Schuldig's carefree personality - it meshes well with his own. He has fun trading banter and opinions with the man, and he's quite interested to see what Schuldig will do now that he has his telepathy back. That said, he's under no delusions that Schuldig isn't dangerous, and he's smart enough to know that just because they get along well doesn't mean that he can trust the guy. Still, at least it won't be boring~.   
Karisawa Erika; ♥♥♥ / x
Tell those stories to me, I'm dying to hear the things you've done and seen, far-fetched as they may seem
Joshua's suspicious of Erika, but at the same time, he's fascinated by her. He doesn't know how she knows so much about him, but he's basically narrowed it down to two theories - either she's like Pink and has the ability to see other realities, or she's one of Them. Either way, he'll be keeping a close eye on her. He's not exactly used to someone knowing more about him than he knows about them, and it's making him a little uncomfortable - especially since she knows about Sanae, too. But it's rather entertaining playing on the other side of the coin for once, and it doesn't seem like she has any malicious intent. He's quite interested in getting to know her better, especially since it seems like they share a few common interests. 
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