[As you're walking down the streets today, you may find yourself suffering from a sudden onset of nausea, a major headache, and a burning sensation in your retinas. You may even be temporarily struck blind as what has got to be the
ugliest, most garishly hot pink couch in the history of existence passes through your line of sight. When you
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Regardless, you created this dilemma, so you ought to resolve it yourself.
But of course~. I wouldn't dream of tackling something I couldn't handle myself.
[There was nothing she disliked more than an uppity child. As was the case when these things happened, she considered momentarily how much better the universe would be if parents were forced to pass an exam before they considered having children and unleashing their unruly spawn upon the world. And not in the sense of the practical.]
Off you go, then. Careful of the pothole around the corner.
[Joshua would be quite amused to hear this, as he's actually significantly older than she is. And also at the idea of Sanae having to take a test before spawning - or Sanae having children, for that matter. As it is, he just smirks at her and nods.]
Thanks for the advice, ma'am.
[Susan, of course, has no idea. But if Joshua is god and Hanekoma an angel, she would be the first in line to hell rather than suffer under the regime of a most insensible deity. Not that she's in much danger of dying, though.]
Now I believe you have a couch to move.
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