so... i signed up for
fwhg_ldws . I'm excited, but nervous. i was just browsing my flist and saw the first prompt posted and kind of had a freak-out, but i think everything's ok now. I have an idea, it's already kind of flowing... i think this will be good. It'll be easy and fun and not stressful. That's EXACTLY what I need in my life right now. There are a TON of stressful things going on with school, academically and financially, and i just need one thing to be fun and easy. *nods* yeah, this will be good.
also, i just need to say that
kalina_blue is just one of the best things to happen to my life right now. she's super supportive, and has assured me that she will look over my drabble and cheer me on through this process of writing my first real piece of fanfic. she's too precious. *hugs*
another hug needs to go to sweet
betelin_notecor because she has managed to comment on all of my recent whiny posts and tell me that things will be ok. sometimes you just need someone in your life to constantly reassure you that life will go on even when there's chaos. she's been that for me lately. so thanks sweet friend! also, she's writing me b-day fic!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!
so here's hoping that this week manages to be less stressful than i'm expecting. i'll hopefully get to sign up for/start classes. i'm gonna be a better student this semester. i have friends in RL that are making an effort to hold me accountable for things and get things done. it's gonna be good. *nods*
this is the first post where i feel like i'm just writing to write because it feels good and not because life is poop and i need an outlet. that makes me feel a lot better about things. :) yay for just being content!!! ish. hehe
i need a better fanfic icon. i wonder if i can convince someone to give me more space for fun icons for my birthday??? *is a poor college student* *sigh* oh well :) my birthday's friday and i'm super excited, but also feeling super old. i know i'm not SUPER old, but 22 just sounds SO much older than 21... i'm so whiny. i guess i just mean it sounds grown up and that concept scares me. it's weird to sound grown up. i don't feel grown up and i definitely don't always act grown up. but my age? that's something i have no control over. that number just keeps getting bigger and bigger... oh well. embrace it and move on with life, Heather. YAY FOR PARTYING FOR MY B-DAY! that's a much better attitude, right? hehe
ok, off to write my drabble!!! YAY!!!