Okay, so I created a new journal / blog / thing.
Actually, I gave in to peer pressure; I don't want everyone from college reading a journal I've been using since high school. And people want to stay in touch, and this is, ultimately, a good, non-day-to-day, way to keep in touch.
So the new journal is at:
http://wordspursued.wordpress.com/ And you are welcome to bookmark it or not as you please.
That's not to say that this journal will go away completely. For one, I want it to remain as a record of the past six years. For another - writing a public blog means that I can't so much give away all my secrets. One of the things I've loved about using LiveJournal is being able to write private posts, the ones that none of you - not even my "friends list(s)" - can see. So I imagine that there will still be posts, although - unless you look in the archives for things you don't have access to - it may appear to.