Finally have a Sunday afternoon off work!

Aug 03, 2008 15:04

Yep, this is the first Sunday afternoon I've had off in about 3 months! And I'm loving it :D Even though I'm still working at 7 =O

Have you noticed my new mood theme?? I loooooove it! I also changed my layout...but I'm not keen, and I can't find any others I like, so this will have to do for now =/

Had friends over last night and then went into town for a bit of a dance, you know I can't resist ;) Katie and Ashley left early because they didn't want to pay to get into Dusk, which is understandable, I just can't resist the good music they play in there, and I know a lot of people who go aswell.

Not much to update about, nothing is really happening in the next few weeks that I can remember.

I'm reading the book based on 'The Dark Knight'. Its probably better than the film from what I've read so far, more stuff in it!

"The Joker saw the bus, about a block away, and-was this great or what?-an old lady waiting near the curb. It would be a matter of perfect timing, but the Joker loved that kind of challenge. He stood directly behind the old lady. The bus came closer, closer, just a few feet away...
The Joker let it pass.
Then he tapped the old lady on the shoulder and handed her a hundred-dollar bill."


*edit* My leg is absolutely killing from last night! Joanna decided to impale me with her high heels and now I have an enormous gash on the side of my leg, kind of like a super sized papercut, owie =( Anyway...that is all x x x

get together, day off, tdk, clubbing, book, bored, work

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