Jul 20, 2009 00:59

Out-of-Character Information
Name: Whiiiiiiiiiiiit
Are you over 15?: Yes of course I am *~*timeless*~*
LJ username: t0_th3_m00n
Time Zone: +5 GMT (Eastern Standard Time aw yeaaah)
AIM: c4n7 dr1v3 55
E-mail: If you really need it, ask and I’ll give.
Tegaki: WillDrawForPocky
Anything Else?: You all thought I was newblood SURPRISE it’s just me 8(

In-Character Information
Name : Princess Zelda oh and sometimes Sheik
Game/Series: Bomb some Dodongos I dunno some game called Legend of ZELDA
Age & Teaching Position: 18, Teacher’s Assistant and RA Hell yeah she’s gonna be dorm mom. She’ll proooobably end up following Weavile around.
Living Arrangements: Back in AE03b, baby. Vashie she’ll be the best roommate I promise. Don’t mind the excessive pink and purple.

Personality: Zelda is a princess in every sense of the word. Regal, formal, diplomatic, and above all polite, she will greet you with a warm, cordial smile, a wisdom that extends far beyond her years, and a calm, collected demeanor that demands respect. Demands respect subtly, of course. A princess is always subtle. And delicate. And gentle. And dignified. And graceful. And ladylike. And beautiful.

Like a flower. Or something. Everything that a princess is expected to be.

Her royal upbringing has instilled in her a courtly demeanor and plenty of (wait for it) royal values, not the least of which is a strong sense of etiquette and an even stronger sense of duty. From an early age, she was taught to respect her elders, judge fairly, provide insight, serve as a shining example of grace and stoicism to the people, and above all other things, to put the needs of the kingdom before those of herself. That’s what a good ruler does, and Zelda, determined to be a good ruler, is dedicated to those principles.

This has made her incredibly spiritual, loyal and self-sacrificing, as well as extremely devoted to her kingdom and her people, traits that carry over into her friendships. In that sense, she’s someone you want on your side, because she won’t think twice about stepping in to help when you really need it oh hey Link guess what’s the ONE THING that can beat Ganondorf and GUESS WHO has it RIGHT HERE, even if it means a great cost or inconvenience on her part. She’s not above getting her (perfectly manicured) hands dirty, in a manner of speaking. But only figuratively dirty, literally dirty is not very becoming of a princess at all. Zelda is much more capable than she lets on, and she has a fiercely protective maternal streak. But she still gets kidnapped and imprisoned in crystals A LOT what the hell.

This does not, however, mean that Zelda is sunshine and roses and purple princess panties all the time. The fact that she is, indeed, a princess means she’s…a little spoiled, accustomed to the very finest things in life, and definitely used to being pampered. Though she’s by no means a brat, living the royal life, combined with her natural formality, has given her a little entitlement complex and made her a bit haughty and snobbish at worst, especially towards people she dislikes.

In addition to that, being a princess tends to get stressful. Having to present herself as cool, calm and collected nearly all of the time, Zelda has a tendency to become frustrated, overexert herself and get frazzled behind closed doors. The job of princessing, (especially princessing in a kingdom that’s in turmoil like ALL OF THE TIME GODDAMN) comes with infinite responsibilities, and the knowledge that she will one day lead Hyrule is overbearing, to say the least, especially for someone of her age, Triforce of Wisdom or no.

It’s in these instances where she pulls out her alter ego Sheik, who was originally intended to serve as a disguise in the event of horrible terrible things happening to Hyrule. At Smash Academy, the Sheikah serves as an outlet for her stress, a way to become someone who is not Princess Zelda, bearer of the Triforce of Wisdom, and a means to free herself from the responsibilities attached to that title.

But once she’s sufficiently worked out her stress, it’s back to the smiling, demure, compassionate princess we all know so well.

Backstory: Once upon a time, there was the great kingdom of Hyrule. And when I say great, I mean great. Created by a trio of Goddesses named Nayru, Farore, and Din, ruled by a just and benevolent royal family and upheld by the power of the Triforce-a perfect balance of wisdom, power, and courage. It was pretty rad, let me tell you.

Except for the fact that Hyrule kind of had a tendency to fall into turmoil and disarray and war and usurpitutde and all the other things that tend to plague great kingdoms, mostly because of this godly power kept in a place called the Sacred Realm. See, the Triforce was a little flawed in the sense that though it kept a balance of the three forces within it, if it was removed from its home, it couldn’t really gauge the intentions of said remover or differentiate between good and evil. So if…say…a power-hungry king of thieves named Ganondorf were to nab it, turn the Sacred Realm into a place of pure evil and subsequently use the relic to take over everything ever, the Triforce would be cool with that.

But that was okay, because Triforce had its own defense mechanism in the sense that…unless the person who entered the Sacred Realm was perfectly balanced in the wisdom-courage-power department (and really, who the hell is), the Triforce would split in three and attach itself to people chosen by the Goddesses themselves as bearers of these powers. Following that, two bits of Triforce could make sure the third didn’t go crazy and conquer Hyrule, or, in a worst-case scenario, they could fix everything once Hyrule did get conquered.

This happened a lot, over thousands of years, and it tended to follow the same pattern. Great and terrifying King of Evil Ganondorf gets into the Sacred Realm, ends up with the Triforce of Power, subjugates the land and rules like a tyrant, until the legendary Hero of Time awakens, finds out he has the Triforce of Courage, gets himself the a shiny Master Sword, then teams up with and/or rescues the Triforce of Wisdom to reunite the three pieces of GODLY POWER, restore the balance, and seal Mr. Great and Terrifying King of Evil Ganondorf away forever, which is never really forever, just until the next time Hyrule is due for a war. Lather, rinse, repeat. Sometimes there are ocarinas.

These three players tend to emerge through time in strikingly similar forms but then again, that’s how most legends work). Playing for power is always the Great and Terrifying King of Evil Ganondorf who needs a hobby, geez, for courage, the Hero of Time, Link, and for wisdom, a member of the Hyrulian royal family, a princess named Zelda.

This particular incarnation was born into a peaceful Hyrule, and led exactly the kind of childhood you would expect a princess to have. She was recognized at an early age to possess the Triforce of Wisdom, and was educated as such, urged to develop her magical abilities and groomed to become a just and diplomatic ruler.

Her mother died when she was a child, which affected her deeply in the sense that she only became more determined to follow in those footsteps and become a queen as benevolent as she was. Her father took the death particularly hard and became rather detached as a result, so Zelda spent most of her childhood and preteen years absorbed in her training and studies.

The big change came when her father made the decision to send her away for high school, to a strange and faraway place called Smash Academy. Apparently, the King had heard of the school’s renown, and felt as though his daughter could benefit greatly from a change of scenery and, most importantly, new experiences. So off she went to the wondrous world of Final Destination City where she…received a hell of a lot of culture shock.

She adjusted well over the course of four years, however, finding a niche, friends, and love. In fact, she was all set to graduate and pursue a career in guidance (a career, of course, that would only last until she became queen) when the War happened, and everything was put on hold. Smash Academy emerged victorious in the end, but she knew things couldn’t be the same after that.

Her father was shocked to hear news of the conflict in FDC, and urged her to return to Hyrule immediately. It took some persuasion, but she eventually convinced him to let her stay, graduate, and take up a position as a teaching assistant.

That didn’t last too long either. In June, her father contacted her again, this time requesting her presence in the Hyrulian capital for diplomatic purposes. He would be on leave for an indefinite period of time, and someone needed to rule in his stead. For a young woman so bound to her kingdom and by duty, how could she refuse? She packed her things and left Smash Academy, not sure when or if she would be back.

When the King returned, Zelda was thrilled and begged him to be allowed to go back to the school, finding herself missing the place and the people more than she thought she would. With a great deal of coercion, he finally agreed and the princess returned to Final Destination.

Anything Else?:
- Purple Princess Panties
-Zelda here’s a mixture of Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess, despite the fact that neither of those events have happened in the SBG timeline. I guess I’m kind of looking at those events as having maybe happened at some point in some kind of parallel universe, and the SBG cast is just another incarnation of the three major players.
-This is a character adoption! Zelda is picking up where the previous left off in the sense that she has attended SBG for all of high school and maintains all her previous character relationships. I have, however, tweaked the backstory a bit. A lot.
-Along those lines, I’m tweaking Sheik a little too, in order to reflect the events of Ocarina of Time. At some point in her preteen years before she came to SBG, she was educated by her caretaker Impa (one of the last of the Sheikah, a “shadow tribe” that effectively served as priests and priestesses to the Goddesses) in the magical arts, more specifically, the ability to change her hair and eye color, among other physical traits. This alter ego was intended to serve as a disguise in the event of an attack on Hyrule. By becoming Sheik, Zelda would be able to better defend herself, go into hiding, and keep safe. Now she basically uses it to live a double life around the school.
-Speaking of Sheik… she’s a girl, no matter how masculine she looks/sounds. All Zelda does is change her hair, eyes, and build slightly to gain more stealth-oriented/athletic abilities. She’s still a chick where it counts.
-Fleta the Kargorok Sex Ed project was released into the wild and now lives happily wherever Kargoroks happily live.
-Archery is most definitely one of her strong points, and she will probably attend that class. A lot. Light arrows eff yeah.
-Being the bearer of the Triforce of Wisdom makes her the Goddess Nayru’s favorite little princess, so she’s got a fair bit of magical talent, mostly of the healing variety. She’s also got the transforming magic that allows her to become Sheik, and a few offensive techniques-- Nayru’s Love, Din’s Fire, etc. etc. She’s very much still learning and grasping the abilities and responsibilities that come with the Triforce.
-She is full of platitudes.
-Thank youuuuu Asia for the excellent relationship guides. They were very helpful. ;3;

In-Character 1st person writing sample (journal):
Dressing room, anyone?

I have to apologize for leaving so suddenly. My father needed me at home, but hopefully this time I’m back for a good long while. I didn’t worry anyone, did I? Link? At least my time away from here was brief. I don’t think I could have possibly missed this place more.

It was lucky my position was still open! I’ll be continuing my duties as a teaching assistant, and I’ll be the resident assistant for the girls as well. I’m looking forward to meeting all the new students that arrived in my absence. I really need to make up for lost time. Mr. Weavile! Do you need any help in the office?

Oh! There’s an archery class now? Surely the instructor won’t mind an extra student, even if I’ve technically graduated. Alumna or no, there’s always something to learn.

In-Character 3rd person writing post:

It was not where one would expect a student to be early on Saturday, of all days. But there she was regardless, one end of a bow under her heel as she stretched the bowstring to hook around the other side. Harder than it looked. Part of her wished she’d lugged her own equipment out to the archery range, but it didn’t seem worth it for a short pre-breakfast practice session, so the stiff, worn school bows that fought against her every push and pull would have to do.

Anyone in their right mind was asleep in their air-conditioned dorms, avoiding the sticky summer morning at all cost. Zelda, however, enjoyed the quiet of a slumbering campus, mostly because it allowed her to get in an hour or so of undisturbed archery before the chaos that was the norm erupted across the academy.

Finally, after a few moments of bending and stretching, the bow complied and allowed itself to be strung. Satisfied, Zelda bent down to pick up the end of arrows she’d taken from equipment storage and approached the shooting lane.

After a month or so of holding down the fort in Hyrule, so to speak, the return to Smash Academy was more than a little relieving. For as much as the place drove her crazy-the rowdy students, supernatural happenings, and the occasional psychotic teacher-the school had become a second home for the princess, to the point where anywhere else seemed empty and dull.

She positioned the arrow and lifted the bow to a ninety-degree angle, drawing the string back until the fingers closed around the nock just brushed her ear. Soon everyone would be awake and Zelda would busy herself for the rest of the day, dropping in on teachers, helping students in the common room, maybe meet up with friends in the afternoon. But for now, there was just her, the bow stretched tight in her hands, and the long dirt lane that ended in circles of red and white.

Aim…breathe…and release.



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