17 [Text/Action] IC SECRET SANTA

Dec 03, 2010 18:36

[The observant might notice that the halls of the student and teacher's dorms are slowly becoming covered with colorful lights and snowflake garland. The extra-observant might notice that it's Zelda as usual, hanging holiday decorations.]

It's hard to believe the end of the year is already upon us.

I know others have organized this in the past, but would any of you be interested in a gift exchange? A...Secret Santa, if you will. Just let me know if you'd like to participate, and I'll shuffle the names and contact each of you privately with who you've been matched with. I've left a sign-up sheet in the dorm common rooms as well.

There is no monetary limit to the gifts--you can even make something, if you like. Just remember to keep it a secret until the exchange later this month.

[-If you'd like to have your character participate, have them leave a comment on this entry!
-I will leave sign-ups open until the 15th.
-After that, I will take all the names I have, shuffle them up, and post a list of who will be gifting who in the main community.
-After that, it's on you guys! Your character will be responsible for gifting their santa on or around Christmas with whatever you wish.
-Ping this account if you have any OOC questions! Comment to Zelda if your dudes have IC ones.]
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