Oct 01, 2007 17:37
NO, your eyes do not deceive you, its a real honest-to goodness update from me!
First off I should probably give the litany of cr@p thats hit me recently, by way of an excuse for my hermit-like avoidance of, well, everything....
in no particular order: The OCD stopped "improving" which cascaded down to me having to leave my job (i think thats the polite way of putting it), not wanting to leave the house (which means I haven't seen many of the lovely people I know anywhere near as much as i would like)and generally being a bit of freak to be around (yes, even more than usual).
So I've packed the meds in because the list of horrible (and in some cases disturbing/embarrassing) side effects greatly outweighed the rapidly diminishing positive effects.
Odd things as a result:
well, I wasn't depressed before i went on the antidepressants, but after 12 months on them, coming off them has left me feeling VERY fragile (yes, i picked a stupid time to come off them I know) and I hadn't realised, until I came off them, how "numb" they made me to everything and how much they effected my train of thought, so its been very weird experiencing the full rush of emotions that life has to offer.
Anyway, I'm sure its for the best, although i'm kicking myself about a lot of stuff at the moment (not to mention flipping between every emotion in the book)
Fluffy things have happened too (honestly):
As mentioned previouly, I got to see Tool again in August, setlist was :
Stinkfist (extended)
46 & 2
Rosetta Stoned
Lateralus (extended)
It was great to finally hear "flood" live, especially as it seems to express a lot of what i've been feeling recently, although getting lost in the middle of the red light district while trying to find a secure car park was er, "interesting" to say the least.
And, as it was my first "big" night out since the smoking ban, I got to experience what a club without smokers smells like (ie, bloody awful, learn to wash before you come out you filthy, filthy people, or wear some deodorant or perfume/aftershave.... anything!!!)
Seeing as how I now have loads of free time, i've decided to get a decent practice regime for my playing together, I want to see if I can go from "good" to "great"
The cats are still as nutty as ever (as expected they are both hovering around the keyboard as I type this *humpf*)
Anyway, my stomach growling at me suggests that food might a good idea; expect more soon (and actual physical contact if you're local, yes. I am still alive, honest!)
ta ta!