Aye. Y'don't have to mention them. I already know. Y'been living in this fuckin country too long. *shakes head*
ooc: You're Elvis?! Nice pick :) I've got Johnny Depp, Willy Wonka, Edward Scissorhands and an OC named Anais Gagnon. I'm thinking of dropping WW and Anais from TM though. I just want to stick with Duke, Johnny and ES. lol
( ... )
Da? *rubs back of head* It's just a stupid quiz. Not like it knows anythin'...
ooc: *mun is floored* EE~ more Saintness. You make me happy :)
I might be old, but fuck..*starts to grin* I still be more Irish than you bugg'rs.
ooc: Do you have any muses here in TM?
ooc: I do, I have 4, but I'm looking to dropping 2 of them soon. Is Conner your only muse here?
At least 80% is better than 75%. Not mentionin' any names.
ooc: ahh I see. Mind if I ask who? :) Along with Connor I have Elvis. He's really new.
ooc: You're Elvis?! Nice pick :) I've got Johnny Depp, Willy Wonka, Edward Scissorhands and an OC named Anais Gagnon. I'm thinking of dropping WW and Anais from TM though. I just want to stick with Duke, Johnny and ES. lol
ooc: :D sweetness! A Johnny Depp fan I see. Hehe. Sweet.
ooc: Yes, a little bit. Anyways, we have a intro in the brew for Duke over at his LJ..just ironing out details if you can join us?
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