round 2 + a migraine

Oct 28, 2007 11:40

i haven't been on livejournal in so long that i actually had to reset my password because i forgot it.

"last updated: 5 weeks ago"


you know, when i was in college i used to admire the livejournalers who were in med school and documented what was going on in their lives... when i started school again, too, i thought, yeah it'll be great to keep journaling - have a record of my thoughts - tell everybody all the crazy stuff that happens here.

and i did it for like a month.

now there just isn't time... i'm starting exams again tomorrow. yes, tomorrow. i think the last time i wrote here, i had just taken my first anatomy exam. well, tomorrow i'm taking my second.  crazy, no?

i'm trying to maintain my sanity, but i've been having 'breakdowns' this past week - where i just get overly emotional, down on myself, feel like it's all too much, it's overwhelming, and i wonder how i can possibly learn all this material for four exams (we added on two more classes this block!)

it's incredibly stressful. i never realized how strictly scheduled my life would have to become. and how depressed you can get when your daily activities include living at school and eating meals out of tupperware.


i've been suffering from something else, too. i've started getting migraines. right now, i'm still dealing with one that started on friday night and has persisted rather stubbornly - though with ups & downs in severity - through today.

(it hurts most when i turn my head to the left and down - i get a searing pain on the right side - so my joke right now is that "i'm not an ambi-turner" because i can't turn left, a la derek zoolander... hahaha)

i'm taking Maxalt and Advil... and coffee... which help some, but it's still hanging around.

so my question for those of you who share in my suffering is:

how do you deal with a migraine?

i mean, getting rid of the migraine would be ideal, but i'll take "deal with" for now. at least so i can survive this week. :)

med school, exams

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