It might not be as long as I thought it would be. My finger doesnt hurt as much if I bandage it we'll see how that goes. Just wanted to let people know since I've kinda been dead the past two nights.
I do have two questions for the f-list.
1) Is a Wii worth buying?
2) Do you have any summer reading suggestions? Books people, I need 'em!!
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2) I found the His Dark Materials trilogy really depressing...well-written, but depressing. So, just a warning. As for sci-fi suggestions:
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. LeGuin
Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein
The Martian Chronicles, The Sound of Thunder (and other stories) and Dandelion Wine [and really anything else] by Ray Bradbury
The Icarus Hunt by Timothy Zahn
On Basilisk Station [or other books by] David Weber
My friend Sally also liked The Faded Sun Trilogy by CJ Cherryh, but I haven't read it.
Ray Bradbury has a very, erm, esoteric writing style that you might like best if you're used to classics. Ursula LeGuin's a bitl ike that too. The other authors have a more modern style. Also look for this particular edition because it has a special, very lovely foreward by the author.
I think that's it. If I think of anything else I'll let you know.
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