I open the "post" link to update my stauff here on LJ. While I was trying to find the right words to say "hey! I'm ok~ kind' sad 'cause sara isn't with me anymore" sara is a puppy i was caring I ended up looking some old pictures of me while I was living on Antofagasta [
I saw how my ex-classmates meet up on a reunion organice last year. I was a little bit sad not seeing my image there (although I ask if there was tiny posibility to change the date so I could go but no one answerd me) and I remember when the earthwuake happen...
Nobody (I not counting Kaji and Jano, they were relly worried 'bout blurn and I.. oh! and ivette was worried too) called or try to know if I was ok trough all social networks (I'm on everywhere baby XD).
My mom said "that's good you know, now you can know who are your truly friends".
I think she's right...
Maybe is time to forget that city. If that city forget me already, why I have to remember it?
kisses people!~~ and I'M ALIVE~~~~ ♥