Otanjoubi Omedetou~~~

Jan 25, 2015 11:01

Today is 25th January 2015!!!! 25th january!!! And that's mean~~~ today is my ichiban birthday!! #jengjeng

Otanjoubi omedetoou~ Sho-kuuuuuuun, Happy 31st 33rd~~

I hope you smarter, funnier than before, kacchi kacchi, and mooore handsome~~~ <3

I think Sho-kun doesn't have to worry about lack of popularity because increasing age. That's because I like grown men :p Yeah, like Fukuyama Masaharu, Higashiyama-senpai and Fujiki Naohito. I think they charm increasing~~ Kuuuuuu~~ o(`ω ´ )o (except Ninomi :p his "kawaii" side that increased)
Hahaha So, don't lie again about your age, Sho :p

Happy BBQ Vivid Unique Feeling Good!!!! XD

sakurai sho, arashi

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