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michannosekai February 8 2011, 17:35:09 UTC
Norway! the fjord is very beautiful, and the people also XD unless you're quite good with cold weather (summer: 18, winter -10?), I don't think Norway is a very good option XD

*will head to norway in the next two days*


miniliel February 8 2011, 18:24:58 UTC
actually, even if it is "only" 18 degrees during the summer, it really doesn't feel that cold..^^
mainly, in finland (and in norway too), when it gets over 25 degrees it starts to get unpleasantly hot.. (well, i might be an exception on that one, cause i think 25-30 degrees is just perfect)^^ it might be because of the different climate, because at least 30 degrees in finland is "hot", when 30 degrees in malaysia was "bit chilly" XD or maybe that just depends on what you've used to...

or well, that's just my opinion :D *sorry to barge into your comment*

i hope you'll have the best time ever in norway!!^^


michannosekai February 8 2011, 22:18:49 UTC
Probably it's just me that's not really into cold climate XD
But yeah, I found Norway is very beautiful. I never had chance to visit norway or other scandinavian countries in summer, always in winter >< But i found my most fav cities of all is Stockholm. It's like a fantasy land for me! All the buildings, the aura, it is very very very beautiful. Unfortunately I'm such a tropical girl, I couldn't stand cold that good ><

I would love to visit finland someday! I heard the sceneries there are awesome!


miniliel February 9 2011, 07:56:01 UTC
ahh, well, you're not alone with that, i hate cold too (so i guess you're the luckier one of us, as i'm living in the middle of snow at the moment) XD
and well, at least during the winter it's freezing here.. and yet there are people (well, all except one of my classmates) that claim -15 being just perfect *can'tunderstand* i really hope you will have a change to visit scandinavian countries during the summer sometimes, cause they really are the most beautiful during the summer (and not that cold either, if we're lucky and actually have some warmth instead of constant rain)^^
even tho i live so near i've only been to stockholm 2 times. but i'd love to go on a road trip over sweden and norway someday^^ that would be fun.

well, if you ever end up in finland let me know, ok? ^^ i can take you around here (i know at least some nice places, as i've been living around finland a bit) *laughs*


rukia_nishikido February 9 2011, 19:41:23 UTC
Wah... Miranti-chan, now you're travelling europe?
Is Norway that cold? I love it!!!
You know, in Indonesia there's no snow...
I really wanna feels snow on my skin and sing "konayuki" LoL


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