Today... is one of those happier days of my life. xD
After MONTHS and MONTHS of waiting......................
My Maou Limited Edition Watch has finally arrived!!!!!!!!!! YES the same one Toma-sama wore in Maou @@ ahhh its so kakkoi! now i have the whole set of Maou goodies including: stickers, the glass, notepad, harmonica necklace, penlight thing and the WATCH! weeeeeeeee!
Yes its a little..guyish but who gives? its toma shared+maou *V*
Pics are here under the cut.
Just the box itself made me kyaaaaa xP
the "Limited Edition" on the box feels gd. =)
Love the red words printed on it ^^ the further one on the left says Live.
back of the watch with MAOU on it
for those interested. heres the back and front of the harmonica necklace.