Miyavi concert and AnimagiC 07 report!

Sep 25, 2007 16:50

Okay I finally convinced myself to write this. Sorry that it took so long. And sorry that I couldn't finish it on the weekend, but I had to learn for two tests.
So the first day was Friday and I arrived with my mother in Bonn quite early. We stayed some time in our hotel, until we walked to the Beethoven hall, where the Convention took place. There had already been soo many Cosplayers and stuff. It was really full just like last year. First thing to do was getting my pass to come inside, so I headed off to the tents, where you could get your passes. Since I brought a Con-package I got a bag with some DVDs, a T-Shirt, some Flyers and a Poster. I liked this one much more than the one from last year.

After that I waited to get inside and my mom said that I should get the concert tickets first. So I fetched my Miyavi ticket and went to Rock:Identity place in the hall and brought my Gazette ticket! You can't believe how happy I've been, when I finally held it in my hands! *laugh* I also grabbed some Flyers of which they had plenty.

I had stopped myself from buying more and ripped my gaze from the screen there. They played the NLSG DVD on all three days. Even though I don't really like that concert (except the Ride with the ROCKERS part xD) I can still watch it. Especially if I see Kai. *laugh* Okay so I got out of the hall again and went back to my mother to give her the tickets, so they would be safe. She also took the bag. I looked through the schedule of the day, so that I could tell my mother, when she could fetch me up. After everything was put straight I got back into the hall and walked straight to the dealer's room. There were more dealers last year, but therefore there was more space and you could get through it way easier. I was happy about that, because the last year had been hell in there, mostly because it was so damn hot. Well... I could stop myself from buying things from Rock:Identity, but in there it didn't work at all. *laugh* Well I spent most of my money in there, but I don't regret that. xD They had so much great stuff in there and it was really hard to decide. There were some Gazette fans, but the one with Kai on it was already sold out. So I brought the one with the whole group on it and one a ShockWave. *0*

I did not bought anything else at that moment, for I just looked around. After all I had enough time for throwing my money out of the window. *laugh* The great Opening at that evening was awesome! And not just because Miyavi was there too <.< First there was the prize-giving for the Pimp my Character contest. The first and second place had been there and could take their prizes. Second event had been the presentation of the AnimaniA Awards. Howl's Moving Castle got three awards and Hellsing, Death Note and Advent Children got one. I don't know who else got an award. xD Forgotten... *sweat* Okay next the guests of honour got on stage. They all talked a little bit and introduced themselves. Some of the Japanese guests wrote some things in German on a piece of paper and they said it to the audience with some difficulties. It was actually really funny to listen to their attempts on speaking German. Then there was the musical part! They showed four Plastic Tree PVs and I must say that the sound was beneath contempt. It really sucked, but it wasn't that bad for me, because I don't really like Plastic Tree. So yeah watever. xD They actually just intend to play two PVs, but the band didn't arrive there in time, so they had to fill in the gap with more PVs. One of the hosts already wanted to start singing, for Plastic Tree not arriving after the fourth PV, but luckily they just got there, when he wanted to start. But he promised to do it next year. xD Well Plastic Tree said some words similar to Gazette last year and then they walked off the stage again. And then they started to rebuild the stage and the audience got really nervous, because we all knew that Miyavi planned a little surprise for all guests of the AnimagiC and when the host said, that there will be a little show and we should all stay on our seats, the screams couldn't be stopped anymore. xD They played some PVs, too and if I remember correctly it was the Neo Visualizm one and Jiko Ai, Jiganjisan, Jishiki kaigou. When they were finished Miyavi finally came onto the stage and the hall kind of exploded, when he started to play the guitar. It was really amazing and I tried to make some pictures of him, but the quality sucks. I hate my mobile phone for that <.< *sigh*

Okay there was this GigPig Box and he said down behind it to start performing Selfish Love and Are You Ready To Rock? with it. If you see him doing that, you really get that he is kind of an One-Man-Band. *laugh* It's simply amazing; I've no idea how to describe it better! But I got a little bit scared, while I watched Miyavi on the stage. I shortly glanced over to the woman next to me and she stared at me as if I would be an alien or something like that. I immediately looked to Miyavi again, but that woman still looked at me for some seconds. That was really scary xD The Opening was finished after Miyavi walked off the stage and at that point I couldn't wait for the concert any longer! xD
I stayed a little bit longer in the hall and placed myself in the front seats. I watched My neighbour Totoro and it was really funny. I laughed a lot while the movie. After it was over I just wanted to get back into the hotel and sleep, because I was really tired. I should really start sleeping in the nights before I'll drive to some other town. It's always the same xD

Okay on the Saturday I got to the hall early in the morning, because I wanted to see the show at 11 am. It was some kind of a musical and afterwards the Cosplay competition took place. There were really good cosplayers and I enjoyed it. Afterwards I left to get back to the dealers and I spent a lot of money there. I brought more stuff from Gazette.

I'll go and scan this picture as soon as possible, because the quality of this photo is really yeah... You see it xD

Kai! *0*

I also brought a Shirt there

Well basically I watched the shows on this day and in the evening I went into the cinema there to watch Tekkon Kinkreet. It was a good movie and I liked it. When I saw the ending credits I started to laugh, because one of the voices had been from Yu Aoi. xD *laugh* I'm haunted by Gazette... It's terrible! xDD I start getting paranoid.

So finally Sunday. It was the same like Sunday. I got there early in the morning to watch the Sailor Moon musical and it was awesome! There were so many parts, where I laughed my ass off. I guess there is still a big fan inside of me. xD Afterwards the Group Cosplay contest took place, but it was really lame and I left in the middle of it, because it was just boring. I spend the rest of the time with walking through the hall and stuff. In the end I only brought the Miyavi Short at Rock:Identity's place, so I could were it later that day.

I could not watch the big final, because I had to get myself ready, so that I could go the concert. When I arrived at the Brückenforum I had to wait for them to open the doors even though it was pass the time you could enter it. So the concert had to start later than it was actually planned.
There was that man again, who said that we shouldn't throw any things onto the stage and he talked about how the GazettE played there last year, too. And then we had to tell him, who we want to see. So that was one thing the audience was really good with. Screaming. They really screamed the whole time and I was like Woah! Please a little bit quieter o__O But I had to settle for it, because there was no chance, that they could have stopped screaming for once. xD It was a little bit sad, because I couldn't really understand Miyavi for the screaming, even though he had talked in English and German, which sounded really funny. He actually can say more than 'Guten Tag' and 'Dankeschön'. xD He also said things like 'Ihr seid Geil' or 'Jetzt geht's los' Well he surely said more, but I couldn't understand so whatever.
Throughout the whole concert I wished that I would be a little bit taller. *laugh* I was so happy, if I had been able to actually see him. It was really hard. Damn those big ones! >__< I'm cursed with a small height! But I could see him and I could hear him while he sang and that's all that mattered. I still have no idea, how I reached the middle of the hall, because I wanted to stay a little bit in the back, but yeah. xD
I curse my memory, because I couldn't even remember all the parts of the concert on the next morning! You can imagine how much I remember now... v__v Gazette's concert from last year nearly vanished completely out of my memory. *sigh* Sad thing...
Well what I want to say with that, is that I can't write a long detailed report now. xD Please forgive me. ^^''
But I tried to keep the Setlist in mind. Even though I probably forgot half of it, but I wrote down everything I still knew right when I had been back in my room in the hotel.
The whole concert started with Selfish Love and then there had been a guitar solo. I've always thought that Miyavi is a big talent if it's about playing guitar, but now I really know that he is a god on the guitar! It was so amazing whenever he played with his guitar and I'd been speechless.
My most favorite parts definitely were Itoshii Hito, Aho Matsuri and Quo Qua Cluck! I nearly cried while he performed Itoshii Hito and Qou Qua Cluck. Always the same with that. But it's so beautiful live and I simply got overwhelmed. Quo Qua Cluck is my absolutely most favorite song of Miyavi and I had hoped that he would play it the whole time. You can't believe how happy I'd been when he finally performed it near the end!
Near the end the audience suddenly screamed 'Freedom Fighters' and Miyavi apologized and said that he wouldn't play it tonight, but that he would come back and then he would perform that song, too. Then he said that there is one song, he would always perform and he started with 'Girls be ambitious'.
I don't really know, when it had been, but it was near the end. There had been a short break and Miyavi said that there would be no Encore tonight. That was sad and the audience still called him out for Encore. But I think he performed enough Songs for that night and it was really great, so it doesn't matter at all that there was no Encore.
One last thing, I do remember, is that somebody held up a pair of boxers. Miyavi asked, if that would be for him and he took it, before he placed it on the head of the tapdancer. Everybody started to laugh and that was really funny!
I decided against buying anything after the concert, because I spend enough money in these three days. So I just got out of the building. That was already hard enough, because it was so full. But I already expected something like that, so I didn't care, even though it was really annoying at some parts.
When I had been back in the hotel and finished writing the Setlist, I immediately fell into the bed. xD I'd been so tired.
Well that was my weekend in Bonn... Sorry for the late report. Next time I need so long just feel free to kick my ass! xD Next thing I'll post will be icons or an update with my writing. The icons are already finished, but the fanfics still have to be translated. So the icons probably will come first. xD

See you!

the gazette, animagic, miyavi, concert

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