Still not dead...

May 14, 2008 09:29

Yes I'm still alive and I'm really sorry that I didn't post for so long. >_< I've been too busy, or forgot about it, or just haven't been in the mood for it. SORRY!!
Therefore I have a lot to talk about now, for there happened a lot of things in the last month.

First of all, I actually have a reason for not writing anything. School is a bitch, I have so much work for it, it's terrible >__< Look at this!

SubjectDateLatinFriday 25.04.08GermanMonday 28.04.08HistoryTuesday 06.05.08MusicThursday 08.05.08PhysicsFriday 09.05.08EnglishMonday 19.05.08BiologyTuesday 20.05.08MathsWednesday 28.05.08
Well it's the last time for this year and thanks to May we have many days off. This week for example I just have to go to school tomorrow and Friday :D 5 days off! That was really relaxing and I needed it after three tests in one week. x__x
But I still have a lot to do for tomorrow. We have to make a project for music. Now our topic is Original & Cover and we have to choose one example and make a detailed analysis. Like what is changed, what's still the same, instruments, etc. and it's best, if we have the notes and everything of the song. I've chosen Dejavu from Luna Sea and the cover from Mucc. I really like both versions a lot and I have them both, so that I can give the example for them to my teacher. But the analysis sucks... I already had to do that in my Music test v_v
But it was my last one! Next year I won't do it any longer, same with Latin. I'm finally done with it!! Never again I have to write a Latin Test in my life! After 5 years learning Latin and hating it, that's a really great feeling. We already got it back and it's satisfactory, so I'm extra happy about that! I'm still wondering if I should stop writing Biology next year, too, because I won't have it as a subject in my higher education entrance qualification (oh my o_o), so I don't have to write tests in it. I'll probably do it, for there'll be the harder ones in my advanced courses and I'll have enough to do with them.
By the way I'm done with my decision which two advanced courses I should take. I had to chose between English, Maths and Physics and I wanted to depend my decision on the teacher, who will get the subject. If it would have been a really bad one, I wouldn't have chosen that one. But there were great teachers for all three of them! XD So that decision was really hard. But because my current Physics teacher makes the advanced course, I had to take that one! He is really awesome and the best one on our school! So in the end I choose English and Physics, for I don't want to have Maths and Physics 5 times a week! That would be a litte bit too much. Even if I like both subjects.
Last week we got our German test back and I've been really surprised! I thought that it wouldn't be my test in the beginning xD It was very good! The first time!! Normally I'm happy when it's satisfactory but that xD That was a nice surprise :3 I didn't even learn for that test o_o xD I wonder if there'll be more surprises like that >D That would be awesome!
Today there is the verbal higher education entrance qualification test thingy xD, which is the reason why I don't have to be at school >D The pupils that will leave the school this year were really funny on their last day at school xD They had been drunk, which should explain a lot. And they run around the school and throw sweets into the classrooms xD When I had Physics that day, my teacher didn't want them to come inside and for you can only open door from the inside, I thought they would break the door every second xD Later we went off to get our Pizza etc, which we ate in Physics, because we have done more than all the other Physics courses xD That was great and yummy. But a few of us stayed in the room and they let those crazy, drunk people inside!! XD They wrote all kind of stuff all over the blackboard and even onto our door. The also wrote 'Who ran zone' which sounds like the german word 'Hurensohn' which means son of a bitch xD That word is really popular at our school this year xD Oh after Physics the fire department had to come and our school got evacuated. The reason for the alarm was the smoke of a fire drencher xDD Our drunken friends did that, too. They were really crazy that day.

My lillte rabbits are getting cuter and cuter :3 I have a lot of fun with them! And I did two photoshootings with them! xD I'll just post the pictures here, but I won't comment every single one xD Just enjoy the cuteness :3

These are already a little bit older

These are the newer ones

So you see they are really cute :3 And it's fun to feed them! ^0^

Hmm... What else happened... Oh, I know! On the 29th of April I had PE. We started with preparing for hurdle racing and in the end of the lesson we build hurdles out of two benches and we had to run next to them and just pull one leg over it. Well it worked quite well... until I didn't manage to get my leg high enough once... I kicked the bench down from the other one with my knee while running and it was damn painful. The bench landed a meter away from me and my teacher asked me, if it would hurt. And I answered yes, and he just said, that I should ignore it and continue. o_O I couldn't walk properly any longer! How was I suposed to continue like that? I didn't and just watched the others for the last minutes. I have been by the doctor the next morning and missed two Maths lessons because of that xD The doctor had said that it's just a contusion and distorsion and nothing happened inside the knee, so I've been really lucky! I got scared like shit on the day it happened .-. But now it's allright again. ^-^ I even went off with Inlineskates yesterday, so I'll be able to go to the PE lesson next week (sadly xD).
In the same week of that incident the funfair in our town was back. I went there on the weekend and spend a lot of money on this picker arm thing. I got one plushie for das_porno_uke :3 She liked it :3 Except from that I just went around and had to stop myself from driving with the simulator, for my knee still hurt and I wasn't sure, if that would have been so good. Well anyway I took some pictures from the funfair and from the Weser, the river at which it always is :3 Oh and the plushie is there, too :3

In the time, in which you heard nothing from me, my passion for Ragnarok Online came back. It's just awesome and I finally found a great server on which I play with my dear das_porno_uke. It's so much fun, if you are not alone. That was my problem for over a year. My other friend who used to play it with me has no internet any longer, so that was kind of boring. But now it's great :3 Well check out the server, if you're interested in it! It's really fun! BlackoutRO
Oh, here is my favorite character.

His name is KaiKun (xD) and he is a sniper. The blond, sexy guy next to him is his pet xD It's an Incubus and I named him Aoi >3 I love Incubus. o_o I even have a Incubus Doll on my head xD
Some time ago I made a lot of screenshots, while I've been doing some quests and it had been a lot of fun. I made a litte story out of it and the whole thing cost me 10 hours xD So I'll put the links for the pictures up here, because I don't want to waste it .-. What my High Priest says isn't so important and I'm sorry if there are any typos xD
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Everything
Well I hope someone likes it xDD

I'll go and continue playing now >D Need to kill MVPs! Those guys here

Especially the last one is very important for me! So wish me luck :3

One last thing...
I need help with a decision. Right now I ran out of money and I'm not sure, if I should go to one of the Miyavi concerts. >.< I really can't decide if I should or not. .-.

Well thats all for now... See you!! :D

ragnarok, miyavi, random, school

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