NOOOOOOOO, she wazzzzz jealouzzzz 'coooooz......NONONO, the GUARD wazzzz jealoooouz 'coz he doezn hazzzz mah maaaaaaaaan.....and Kyoto IZN beautiful for him cuuuuzzzz he doezn hazzz mah maaan *NODSNODS* HAHAHAHAHA And Reita and Uha behave??? ONLY IN ZEH BED, cuz I never heard they zgreaaaming!!!! *dies laughing* HEYHEYHEY...wanna play of zoctor??????????? I'm the...pacient!!!!!
REITA AND URUHA'LL HAVE HOORZE ZEX!!! AND throw our houz down, man, we won't have aplaze to go back............*nods and blinkz and watches them having sex* BUT BUT BUT...THE GUARD WANTED J00!!!!!!!! Hez perverttttttttttmmmmmhmhmhmhmhmh he iz....................hez in lack of zex.............
Play zoctor???????? but.......okay, gimme 5¢!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ZEH WALLZZZZZZZ WILL FAAAAAAAAALL DOOOOOOOOOOWN!!!! In a Match POINT! We'll have zo liiive on zeh car..... zeh good, we can zeeeep on the backzeat, like that time!!!! *NODS* And pooooooooor pooooooor guard.....................................................
MHNOOOOOOO! we on the roof, zhere'z zpaaaaaaaaace zhere. and....air conditinerz fo' uz.... and zhen we won't have zo hear Reita'z and Uha'z moanz and zuch..........becoz tzhey'll be fuckin' zwenty-fou'zeven......*nods and sits donw*
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH, ZEH MONEY!*grabz the ¢ and pullz ya pantz off*..........your cock iz oversized..................cut half of it off and give it to meh..................
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, we can't live in zeh rooof, cuz...when it raaaainzzzz we'll be aaaaall wet....aaaaaaall wet, I live in zeh car haz roofz too...*nods*
WOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, IMMMZ SHYYY, ZOC!!!!!!!!!!!!! And are you zure that you want me to cut thiz...?????
But...won'z wel liv wet all zeh time anyway......???????????????*blinsk curiously*
............nooo, it lukz giood, but I wanted to have one oz zhesze..........................zhere'z nothign on me pants...........*blinks and pulls pants forward to look down to his own lenght* I'z zmallllll...........................
...................................*blinks* Thatzah point!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OKAY, letzzz live on the roooof, cooooooozzz... if it raaaainz, we won'tz be thirzzzty anymore!!!!!
Letmme zee it too...*pulls your pantz down*....awwwwwww....itzzzz cuuuuute, don't be getz biggeeeeeer when zeh bloood runs....
Yuush and...we won't need zo zpend money with shawa coz...voz it'll be a nazural one, zee?? tizz better to live on zeh roof!!!!
hm..................*fronws and blinks AND looks down, pointing* it zoezn''ll ztill be zmall......juzt a zhrd zmal tzhing, likea little ztone........................
YUUUUUSH FOR LIVING ON ZEH ROOOOF!!!!!! bUTBUTBUT...What about Kei???? He'll faaaaaaaaaaaaaall....he can'tz fall..........
Zon't zay that...........*says and keeps looking down too* I like it. I zhink itzz cuuuuute and aaaaall good....and yeeez, getz bigger, believe meeeh...zon't be all emo becoz of zhat
Hmmmmmmmm...maybeh they can take care of Kei or...we..we can zpend the dayz inzide zeh houz and the nighz on zeh roof!!! zo Kei won't mizz uz and we ztill can live on zeh roof yo!!!
Hmm.....I zztill tzhink izt' zmal......*frowns and looks down, smacking his won cock a biy* GROW UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm an eunuchy.....znip-znip~~~~~~~~~~
You're zooooooooooooo zo zo geniouz!!!!!!!! I luv zeh idea, BUT...what if Reita zand Uha want to have zex on the day too??????????? We can.....lend them zeh rooooof!!!!!!
Hnnnnnnnnnnn...... zzzon't do that!!!!!!!!!! Or it'll getzz all have to strooke zhiiis...*strokes Ruki's cock*
Zhey won't, ro Uha won't have an azz and he nezz it.....I guezz...I dunno, we can tzalk to zhem latter.......and zhem landz zhem zhe roof maybe, yussshhhhz.......
Hmmm......zon't zo zhis..............*fornws and looks down, shivering* it feelz funny............
........becoz Reita need to fuck his azz.......and...zhen, if he zoezn't have one, zhen Reita'll get emo becoz Uruha won't have an azz fo' him to fuck anymo'.............*nods and blinks* roof fo' zhem, zhen..........
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm~~~~~~....................noooo, go on, i feelz funny but feelz good.........*moans softly and looks down*
I zunno......but..I guezz he didn't lie, becoz then hiz nose'd grow up like Pinnochio'z.......and Reita zoezn't have a noz.............*nods and thinks* zo he zoezn't liez........maybe Uruha'z zhe one fuckin' him.............
hmmmmmmmmmnoooooooooooooo.......ztop iiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~~~*moans and smaks Aoi's hand away* zon't zo it in public.....................
Play zoctor???????? but.......okay, gimme 5¢!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And pooooooooor pooooooor guard.....................................................
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH, ZEH MONEY!*grabz the ¢ and pullz ya pantz off*..........your cock iz oversized..................cut half of it off and give it to meh..................
WOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, IMMMZ SHYYY, ZOC!!!!!!!!!!!!! And are you zure that you want me to cut thiz...?????
............nooo, it lukz giood, but I wanted to have one oz zhesze..........................zhere'z nothign on me pants...........*blinks and pulls pants forward to look down to his own lenght* I'z zmallllll...........................
Letmme zee it too...*pulls your pantz down*....awwwwwww....itzzzz cuuuuute, don't be getz biggeeeeeer when zeh bloood runs....
hm..................*fronws and blinks AND looks down, pointing* it zoezn''ll ztill be zmall......juzt a zhrd zmal tzhing, likea little ztone........................
Zon't zay that...........*says and keeps looking down too* I like it. I zhink itzz cuuuuute and aaaaall good....and yeeez, getz bigger, believe meeeh...zon't be all emo becoz of zhat
Hmm.....I zztill tzhink izt' zmal......*frowns and looks down, smacking his won cock a biy* GROW UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm an eunuchy.....znip-znip~~~~~~~~~~
Hnnnnnnnnnnn...... zzzon't do that!!!!!!!!!! Or it'll getzz all have to strooke zhiiis...*strokes Ruki's cock*
Hmmm......zon't zo zhis..............*fornws and looks down, shivering* it feelz funny............
Reply muzt be feeling funny, 'cuz...hezz getting happier....but if you zon't want it, I'll ztoop *stroking more*
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm~~~~~~....................noooo, go on, i feelz funny but feelz good.........*moans softly and looks down*
..............hnnnnnn.....hez getting even happier now........*stroking more...and more*
hmmmmmmmmmnoooooooooooooo.......ztop iiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~~~*moans and smaks Aoi's hand away* zon't zo it in public.....................
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