Mar 21, 2007 11:32
I was thinking on that meme last night, the one about the title and synopsis of the unwritten story, mainly because I was trying to come up with something for the title I'd been given.
I found myself pondering all sorts of things and then it got me to wondering about how the same thing can lead to so many different premises and exactly how.
So my meme this time is twisted a little.
I'm going to give you five titles of unwritten stories. You can choose however many of them you like and you give me the brief outline of what that title makes you think of... and how it made you think of it.
Just how does your mental leapfrogging work?
1. Rust.
2. Social Disease.
3. Below the Storm.
4. The Quick and the FED.
5. Where it Hurts.
Take your best shot... or don't take one at all. Have fun :D.