Durarara Book 10 Spoilers from 2chan Translations

Aug 10, 2011 12:09

Don't click unless you don't mind being spoiled:

(Translation done by my friend Toki)<3
Feel free to correct me if i'm wrong. Please excuse the grammar. Thank you


12巻で終わる予定で書き進めたとのこと。色々と中途半端。 Drrr will end in book 12. this spoiler is written half assed.

【帝人】一連の自分の行動の目的は、ダラーズを一旦破壊し再構築すること。 mikado will destroy dollars and rebuilt it for his own reason

【正臣】ダラーズと敵対する意志を明確に表す。腹心の部下達にダラーズ創始者が帝人だとバラす。Kida wants to fight dollars and tries to collect information about it. from his underlings, he knows that the leader is Mikado.

【杏里】ずっと狩沢と病院で門田の回復を待つ。出番は多いけど特に何もしてない。 Anri stay with Erika, waiting for Kadota's conciousness to return.

【門田】ひき逃げされて、一命は取り留めつつ意識不明のまま。本人も不明のまま。(Kadota) gets attacked, and until the end of the book, he is unconscious and remain unknown. (Basically he's in a coma)

【遊馬崎】単身、灯油を抱えて正臣に「君が犯人?」泉井に襲撃されるも上半身へ炎系攻撃。 yumasaki accused Kida as the culpirt for Kadota's attack, and get attacked. izumii, upper part got burnt. (Izumii Ran is the Aoba's brother, the fake blue squares leader. To those who only watched the anime. he's the one who kidnapped saki.)

【渡草】不良高校の卒業生で、OBとして後輩から恐れられていることが判明watakusa Togusa , a not good high school graduate , got a lot of 'scary' information from his senpai at work

【狩沢】警察より先にひき逃げ犯を見つけたら殺す、と笑顔で宣言。今回は病院にいるだけ。Erika smiles while saying that when she find the culprit before the police does, she will kill him/her herself. staying at the hospital through out the whole book

【六条】最後に意味有りげに登場。門田関連ではなく、帝人へ「ボスの器じゃない」と言った件で絡みそう。rocchi goes to mikado and said that he is the future 'good' leader <3

【泉井】遊馬崎を襲撃しかけるも、青崎からの電話に服従し敬語で応対した上、素直に従って帰る。izumii get into a fight with yumasaki, get a call from Aosaki (kanbu from Awakusu-kai) and decided to return home

celty talks to mikado, trying to find out why anri said that mikado is acting weird ...

【臨也】誰からも居場所を隠す。同行者だったスローンに頭を割られた?安否不明のまま終わる。Izaya hides from everyone, get hit on the head from Slon. condition unknown until the end. (Basically Izaya gets slashed by Slon, who got slashed by someone who had defeated Saika and starts making his/her own Saika army. He/she has taken over Slon already and now slashed Izaya to posses him. At the end of the book, we do not know if Izaya is dead/alive/or possessed. )

【波江】矢霧社長に捕まるが、何の経緯か新羅のマンションに匿われセルティと出会う。Namie get caught by yadogiri shachou, but later meet celty

【鯨木】黒幕。杏里からは独立した罪歌。スローンはその子供。若く見えるがどうも40代くらい?Kujira is the mastermind. The independent Saika. (Basically he is able to defeat the saika within him and uses it to his advantage) Slon is his child. His age is about 40 years old.

【静雄】臨也の企みで再びタイーホ(警察は春菜の罪歌の子)。葛原が取調室に押し入り救出。 Shizuo get arrested by Kujira, the police who is the child of saika (he appears in book 8 and is possessed by Saika), and later Shizuo get rescued by kuzuhara (the police officer).

kuzuhara's officer finds drug from kasuka house, and then he receives order to false charge kasuka. he becomes angry and goes to bail out shizuo from the jail.

次はバッカーノを出す予定。Book 10 stops halfway so if you don't really like suspense you should wait until vol 12 and then read everything in one go.

泉井は遊馬崎と対決 izumii vs yumasaki

勝負がつく前に誰かに電話で呼ばれて退場 before izumii fight, got a phone call and leave the place

ヨドギリ秘書の顔は挿絵で出てる yodogiri secretary face is revealed

スローンは包帯ぐるぐる巻きの後ろ姿が挿絵で Slon got bandaged everywhere.

ちなみに臨也拉致をスローンに命じたのはヨドギリ秘書 the one who order Slon to abuct izaya is yodogiri secretary

首の在処を訊くため the abduction is to find out where celty head location is

Vorona picks up shizuo who got bailed out

あとヴァロと臨也が初めて対面 Vorona meet izaya for the first time

臨也を静雄の敵と見なして臨也を攻撃するヴァロ Vorona think that izaya is Shizuo's enemy and attack him
ヴァロを手懐けた(?)静雄に苛立つ臨也の描写あり Izaya is irritated at Vorona because she can tame/calm Shizuo down <-- jealous XDDD
CORRECTION BY ANNI: Thanks for this! Though I think it says that Izaya feels irritated by the fact that Shizuo tamed Vorona rather than the other way around.

-- Few other scenes--

- Aoba meets his brother Ran.

- Wagon Gumi is on the move

--personal thought --

I think i'm more upset that Durarara will end in book 12, than the shizuo x vorona pairing rants i see online... sob. If Vorona can tame/calm Shizuo enough that Izaya is jealous, yeah this pairing is definitely happening. lol.

anime: durarara

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