I ordered
these headphones last week. Tonight I was checking up on the order status and noticed they had dropped in price by $10. So I called up the customer service line and asked about getting the difference back. Rep said no problem and had my card credited in just a minute. I was pleasantly surprised Amazon did that without a fuss or hesitation.
In other news, the job is going well. I managed to be productive my first week there which was nice. Some of my stuff has gone live already but nothing really interesting to look at. In the next couple of days I will have some things deploy that will be pulling in an extra few million a month. It's odd working in a position with that kind of impact where my last job only dealt with things a few orders of magnitude lower.
All of my coworkers are great and really helpful. Most everyone on my side of the floor is from other parts of the world, it's really cool to have such a wide spread of ideas and attitudes. My only complaint is the two beagles a few doors down have fits of barking at each other. Oh well, that's partly what the new headphones are for.